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Planning Board Minutes 05/03/2012
May 3, 2012
Glover Update
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations
Garrad-Hassan Invoice of November 13, 2011

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)    
 Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)         Charles Levesque (Member)             Steve MacDonald (Member)          Martha Pinello (Member)         Sarah VanderWende (Member)    

Members & Staff Absent:
Janet McEwen (Alternate)                Mike Genest (Ex-officio)

Public Attendees:    None

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Dubois opened the meeting at 7:03PM.

Knapton Circle update
Three new photos (photos by Chip Craig, Road Agent) of Knapton Circle were shown. The Board discussed the new photos and questioned “where to go from here?”

Chair Dubois read from a letter to Mr. Glover written by former Town Planner, Peter Moore and dated July 26, 2010. The letter stated items that needed to be addressed. It was noted that all items had been addressed, except the final inspection of the wearing coat of the road. Chair Dubois recalled that the 2010 Board had suggested that the Road Agent, Chip Craig, perform the final inspection rather than Peter Pitsas (then Town Engineer who had given an estimate of $1300). No final inspection had occurred.

Board members noted that it is important to use the same person to perform the inspections. Another member questioned the as built plans and if they were available. If as built plans had been completed, their location was unknown. The Road Agent should be contacted for possible location.

The Board had agreed that all remaining issues have been corrected, and that the road needed a final inspection and the as built plans.

Motion: Move to contact Mr. Pitsas for an estimate of a final inspection of Knapton Circle and Mr. Glover to be contacted to express the Planning Board’s request for the Town Engineer’s inspection.

Motion made by: Ms. Pinello; seconded by Mr. Levesque.
Vote: All in favor

Business Meeting:

May 3, 2012 Minutes to be approved

Motion to approve minutes: Mr. Levesque; seconded by: Ms. Pinello.
Vote: All in favor to approve minutes as amended.

Garrad Hassan invoice & Memo from Galen Stearns

Chair Dubois explained the background of the Garrad-Hassan invoice dispute. The payment of Invoice #US1700329 dated 8/29/2011was paid in full. The Invoice #US170162 dated 11/13/2011 was disputed because the work performed had been beyond the scope of the contract.

Ms. Pinello had composed a draft letter (available for viewing at Town Hall) to Garrad-Hassan stating three areas of deep concern noting reasons why the company should not be paid.  The entire Board reviewed the draft letter. There was a lengthy discussion.

Three disputed items:
  • Errors in assignment of billable items to the correct client.
  • Conflict of interest on the part of the consultant.
  • Ellen Crivella filed testimony on behalf of Antrim Wind End. No receipt of summary memo, which the Planning Board had requested.
Motion: Move to adopt letter and move that Mr. Dubois and Ms. Pinello finalize the letter and send it to Garrad-Hassan.

Motion made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. Lazar.
Vote:  All in favor

Year to Date Planning Department Expenditures - FYI

Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – Board to review section by section and update and amend as needed

. The Board also decided that the “Peter Pitsas” version and the current edited version will be sent via email. Most members stated that they would also like a hard copy.

Workshops & Trainings:

Carol Ogilvie educational topics list – set-up potential date

Ms. Ogilvie had developed a list of educational land use topics (“Selected Topics for Planning Board Training”) which she would be willing to teach. The Board determined, by consensus, that they would like to have a workshop with Planning and Land Use Regulations as the topic ;and that the fifth Thursday would be a potential date (May 31, 2012). Ms. Ogilvie will be contacted.

Your Land, Clean Water, Your Legacy – Contoocook River Workshop - FYI


DES Shoreland Impact Permit 2012-00742 – Depot Street - FYI

Motion made by: Mr. Lazar; seconded by Mr. Levesque
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board